Friday, April 4, 2008

I am here to help.

I had a guest today who was irritated at the price of a side of cream cheese. She was very vocal and very hard to calm down. The episode came out of nowhere, in the middle of lunch and all of us where stunned.
What do you do?
The first thing that came out of my mouth is "miss, do not get upset, I am here to help".
I assured her that I would charge her a minimal amount for her purchase. I told her that the prices were not set by anyone here at the store and that I all we wanted was for her to have a good experience.
Privately, I discussed the rising costs in goods with her, the quality of the product and assured her that our prices are fair.
She did calm down and I could tell she was impressed by our resolve.
Many folks in our current economy are very conscious of what they spend. We must give them a value and in some cases an explanation, otherwise they will go somewhere else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being in this industry and helping guest everyday, I feel bad sometimes when they have a check of over 100.00 and I have to charge extra for a side of salsa or whatever the case may be. As being in touch with the guest needs and caring about them I inform them before I charge and then they seem to always not mind at all. I may have a few that get upset but for the most part they thank me for being honest and they may throw me a 30% tip....It about integrity and the guest knowing I am not here to rip them off, I am trying to make them happy and make my owners buisness more successful. Threrefor if I start giving products away the restauraunt suffers, and in time I will be looking for a new job.