Saturday, March 15, 2008

Don't take Kenny for granted.

Hopefully we all have guests that come in everyday. I have more than 25 believe it or not! We all say hello to them and make sure their order is correct, but do we sometimes take them for granted?
I thought about that when one of our regulars, Kenny came in today. There was a huge line when I noticed him getting out of his car across the parking lot. My first thought could have been "oh, that is just Kenny, he knows we are busy and he will wait".
Instead I decided I would make Kenny's day. I grabbed his favorite bagel, toasted it, buttered it and discretely called Kenny over and asked to pay me after he finished his meal. All while no other guest suffered, as we were moving the line efficiently(that is for a whole other blog.) Kenny felt like a million bucks and thanked me more than once afterward.
One of the reasons Kenny comes every day is because we don't take Kenny for granted!


Anonymous said...

Hey Lester,
I know exactly what you mean. I have regulars at the bar that dont even have to ask for their bevarage or their meal. As soon as they walk in I set them up. I dont take them for granted and they love me for it.

Angela Starr

Anonymous said...

Great way to drive your business up: we never are too busy to take care of our regular. It does not means that the "transit" guest is not important but as a good manager, you gotta have a good sense of emmergency: choose your battle when you are behind and keep you cool at all time. Panic is only gonna make it worse. Keep it up Les...