Sunday, March 30, 2008

The exiting comment.

In previous blogs I have talked about the interaction with the guest after they have received their meal. It is key to their experience.
Often in the fast-casual world this is a challenge, but can not be ignored.
A very important element to this part of the service cycle is the EXITING COMMENT. Are we saying "good-bye" to our guests?
I believe this may be the most over-looked interaction with the guest in the cycle of service. However, this is the final snapshot of their experience and is critical for two reasons:
1.If you missed something, their reaction will let you know and you can fix it.
2.You remind them just before they leave how much you appreciate their business. After you already have their money.
Next time you work, have your staff focus on the EXITING COMMENT! You will find it is a very effective tool.


Anonymous said...

This is one of the most important as is the greeting. Many establishments seem to forget that.

Anonymous said...

I feel, as a manager, some of your best interaction with customers can come from this. You have an opportunity to follow up and resolve any issues. -T