Thursday, March 27, 2008

Keeping coaching and they will step up!

What do you do when you are understaffed?
Can you still provide the kind of service that you brag about?
Can you still overcome the challenges that overwhelm most?
Well, today was the day for such a question?
We got killed today and I have to tell you, my entire crew stepped up and really took care of people. It was a tough, yet amazing day!
With all the volume, there were only a few situations were a guest became agitated and in every case an employee took ownership and fixed the problem.
All I had to do was follow up. I stayed calm the entire time and I am sure they fed off that, but honestly, it was them keeping me going most of the day.
Keep coaching and when you need them most, they will step up!

1 comment:

j2moyano said...

Well. you have to admit... you have a great team.

Nice reading your blog Lester...